Unit one of Barakah power plant nears completion

Construction works for Unit 1 of the UAE's Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant are nearing completion.
Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC), which is developing the nuclear energy plant, said preparation is progressing as plan to achieve operational readiness for Unit 1, which is more than 96% complete.
Overall completion of the project's four units stands at 84%, with testing and commissioning activities underway for Units 1 and 2.
Teams from ENEC and its joint venture partner and prime contractor, KEPCO, have recently achieved a series of construction milestones on the units of the Barakah Plant.
In 2017, the reactor containment building liner dome was installed – with concrete poured for the dome – on Unit 3.
Unit 4's reactor containment liner plate rings, reactor vessel, steam generators, and condenser were also installed this year.
Construction works for the project began in 2012, and the facility will deliver up to a quarter of the UAE’s electricity needs following total completion.
Contracts valued at more than $3.5bn (AED13bn) have been awarded to local companies for the project to date, WAM reported.