Linden Comansa unveils high visibility CUBE cab for tower cranes

Spanish crane manufacturer Linden Comansa has unveiled CUBE, a model of cab for its tower cranes that is designed to maximise both visibility and the ergonomics of the operator’s working space.
The front of the crane’s CUBE cab is entirely made of glass, including the side walls and floor, and even roof when installed in luffing jib cranes, delivering optimum visibility of the working area, and in turn improving operator control and safety in operation.
The unconventional use of flat glass panes in the cab’s cube-shaped design also allow it to make maximum use of the space – something not possible with curved front panels or tilted windows.
This has allowed Linden Comansa to distribute the different elements of the cabin in a more intelligent way and provide room even to comfortably fit a second person in the largest cab.
In terms of the appearance, the internal elements have been designed to convey warmth and comfort to the user, through their materials and finishes.
Linden Comansa’s cranes are operated across the world, so the design of the CUBE cab also takes into account both hot and cold temperature extremes.
The window panes are easy to replace when necessary and they can be bought anywhere in the world as they do not require a mould, unlike curved window panes – lowering the burden of maintenance.
The new cab will be available in two sizes, L and XL, and now come as standard with most Linden Comansa cranes. The smaller range, including the 11LC132, 11LC90 and LC500 models, are not included, as the L and XL cabs are too large to be accommodated.