SSAB EcoUpgraded Steel Reduces CO2 Emissions for Transport Vehicles and Construction Machinery

A global sustainability initiative from global steel manufacturer, SSAB, is helping customers reap the environmental rewards of using high-strength steel. SSAB EcoUpgraded is highlighting the benefits of upgrading to high-strength steel, which include reduced weight, improved fuel economy and extended product lifetime.
During its use phase, an SSAB EcoUpgraded product will generate CO2 savings (carbon dioxide) that exceed the CO2 emitted during production of the upgraded part, thereby showcasing the environmental benefits of high-strength steel. “By upgrading to steel from SSAB, during the use of the product, manufacturers will quickly be able to compensate for the CO2 emissions from the steel production process. And once the break-even point has been reached, the application will continue to deliver CO2 savings far in excess of the original CO2 debt,” says Ozgur Yalcin, SSAB’s Area Sales Manager for Middle East . Manufacturing a product using SSAB high-strength steel ensures important characteristics such as reduced weight, improved fuel economy and/or extended lifetime – all of which are key contributors to reducing the carbon footprint of the product. The SSAB EcoUpgraded initiative will provide proof points relating to reduced CO2 emissions that will enable OEMs – and their customers– to benefit from improved environmental performance. “The Middle East region is becoming increasingly aware and regulated on CO2 emissions and businesses are looking to be environmentally friendly and compliant from a regulatory standpoint. With longer service life, lower weight and increased capacity, our customers are able to drastically improve their rating from an environment-friendliness perspective, while improving business factors such as the ability to carry increased payloads and greater fuel efficiency. The ability to protect the environment and reduce emissions as a business is going to be an increasingly important aspect for SSAB and our customers, and the SSAB EcoUpgraded is an important initiative in that direction,” added Ozgur Yalcin, SSAB’s Area Sales Manager for Middle East. SSAB EcoUpgraded is part of SSAB´s unique customer offer and solutions. The environmental benefits provide SSAB´s customers with an additional competitive edge and can open new markets and opportunities for them. “We want to help our customers not only in staying ahead of new legislation and environmental demands, but also to convert this into a business opportunity. By upgrading their products with more advanced steels that provide tangible benefits, they can also promote their own marketing efforts and long-term profitability,” Ozgur concludes.